Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow Day Odyssey! (Subtitle: We're British)

How did you spend your Snow Day? We were British. And productive. Here are some pictures from our Snow Day Odyssey.
Side note: Odyssey is the perfect word to describe what we did. Why? Because journey isn't as exciting of a word. And it really was an odyssey, considering the amounts of snow we trekked through. Anyways, the pictures.
The pictures are not all going to have captions. Too many of 'em.

My list of to do's for the day
Sam's list

Do you see the snow ball? It's not blurry. Know why??? Sports setting. Wish I had more people to take pictures of a snow ball fight.
and there's mine.
I'm Spiderman
Sneaky Fox
Tree Huggers

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