Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I take you to a very serene place. Downtown Summerville. 

 Short Central. At night. 
 The funny thing about this picture: the whole time I was taking pictures, I was looking to get some really good stuff from this fountain. It's so out of nowhere and kind of secretive. Well, the fountain pictures were my least favorite. 
 Jaime Tyo.
 Side street off Short Central. This was cool cause all of Short Central had this green look and then this side street was mostly red. Also, fun fact, that door on the right goes into a Pole Dancing studio.

 Tried to get both the red and green. Quite difficult.
 Need a tripod. But a cool picture nonetheless.
 Sitting on a ledge of a five story parking garage over-looking our small town.

 OoOoOoO Long Exposure
So much happening in this picture. First off, Jaime turned into a ghost. Second, that white streak of light on the right is a car driving by.

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