Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thank You!

I am extending the largest thank you. This post's theme is "People who made this week not suck completely"

Each photo is a representation of someone who made this week better than it would've been without them in my life.

(In no particular order):

 Heather Rubin (or Aleeza as your facebook says). I came home from having a rough time in scene study and you were in my room to give me a hug and tell me that all the thoughts I was thinking were legitimate. This poster represents you because it was the first thing you noticed in my room and you said "I Love You" just from seeing it. 
 Dad. You called me to check in and that was completely unexpected and therefore meant a lot. This is a picture of my hair. It represents you because it's, in my opinion, our biggest symbol of our connection to each other. 
 Sam. You're just awesome and you listen to me rant for practically hours. Why you haven't lost your mind over me is surprising. Also, we love the same things and our bond just grows stronger and stronger everyday. We are the same person, practically. This picture represents you because it's from the frame you gave me today as my birthday present. 
 This represents many people actually. First of all, the people at Jimmy John's that actually make work not completely boring and awful. Second, the woman at food services who remained completely neutral as I was quitting my job at Kimmel and then preceded to give me my check, which is always a wonderful thing to get. I really need to deposit these checks...
 Mom. Everything. You do everything. You called me I don't know how many times to check up on me and make sure I'm okay. You listened to me talk through all the crazy stuff I've been feeling and you dealt with it in a motherly way, not a therapist way. You were extremely helpful and I wish I had a better picture for you, but this must suffice.
Jen. New friend. Hanging out with you tonight (Thursday night) was what the doctor ordered. I am in such a happy state right now just from sitting and talking about everything over a wonderful pot of tea and a plate of cookies. This picture represents you because these were the pots our tea was served in. Thanks again for introducing me to this magical place. I look forward to many visits.

To those of you not in this post, it's okay. It doesn't mean that you pissed me off and these were the only people that made me happy. So, calm down.

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