Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Manual Awesome

Great News! I took this picture in Manual. But Corinne, what does that mean? It means I set everything and by everything I mean aperture, shutter speed and ISO (which is still quite the mystery to me) and look at how awesome this picture turned out :D 

This is Nick playing the ukulele. In case you're wondering, he happens to be figuring out You and I by Ingrid Michaelson. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Lonesome Flower

Tonight, as I push through the final steps into my air conditioned house after a long day, I stop at my door.  This flower catches my eye. My house is dark, the street is dark and this area is surrounded by greenery and weeds. We are in the middle of a drought, a mediocre one, but a drought nonetheless. Yet still, this flower sits right by my door in perfect bloom. Naturally, I run and grab the camera. 

Last week, when vacationing in NY, my Uncle Steve took me out for a camera lesson and taught me some basics with aperture and shutter speed. Normally, I'd put my camera on a setting and just shoot, but I figured this time it would be best to try my new fancy-shmancy knowledge. 

And here are the results:

Friday, June 3, 2011

We Dig Our Toes Into the Sand

Tonight, Nick and I arrived at Myrtle Beach to meet my roommate and her boyfriend. After being knocked over by tons of waves and insulted at Dick's Last Resort, we finally returned to the beach to take pictures and relax. Because it's night and I don't carry around lighting equipment in my back pocket (I know, I know. Fail.) I had the pleasure of not being able to see what I was taking a picture of until after I took the picture and the flash went off. However, we got some winners. And with the help of iphoto editing, they look really awesome.

 Our feet. Can you guess whose is whose?
 Such a free spirit
This picture and the next were my cheesy, cliche couple pictures, but I really like them. And the couple likes them and that's really what matters. 

Obviously I didn't take this pictures, Nick helped me out with this one.
I mean, yeah, it's pretty awesome.