Monday, September 5, 2011


Took many pictures so far in my first week of London. Here are a few artsy pictures. For the fun touristy pictures, check my facebook.

 This is probably my favorite statue I've seen this far. I accidentally left my camera on "dynamic b&w" but that's absolutely okay, because this picture turned out amazingly.
 The Painted Hall at the Naval Academy. Beautiful.
 For those of you that have seen the 4th Pirates of the Carribean movie, you might recognize The Painted Hall. Why? They filmed part of the movie there. So when I went to visit it, they had Johnny Depp's costume in a thick glass case and I got some pictures. This is his compass that doesn't work.
 And this is his gun with only one shot in it. Although I think by the fourth movie, he got more bullets.
 So the square building in the middle is The Queen's House. Back in her day, her "house" lived very close to the river and she could see the river quite nicely from her bedroom window. Well, when they build the Naval Academy they had to build on either side of it so she could still see the river. So the two buildings on either side of the middle square is the Naval Academy.
I LOVE this picture!!! This old man was so adorable and he was hanging out in Greenwich playing his accordian. Had to get a picture.

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